I gCochall mo Chroí
- Údar
- Bríd Ní Mhóráin
- Praghas
- €12.00
- Sraith: Téad na Filíochta
- ISBN: 978-0-9934946-9-7
- Bliain foilsithe: 2017
Scaip an leabhar seo
Níl aon amhras ach gur teist é téama an chnuasaigh seo, téama an cheana, ar an luí aigne is mó atá ag Bríd Ní Mhóráin. Is iomaí saghas éagsúil ceana a fheictear sna dánta seo – cion réigiúin, don dúiche, don dúlra, an ghean lena maíonn sí tábhacht na seandaoine. Tá flaithiúlacht agus tuiscint le braith sa chaoi go ndéanann sí ionramháil ar an réimse leathan ábhar a bhíonn faoi chaibidil aici; is fíorannamh go bhfeictear cáineadh ina saothar. San am céanna, ní dánta rómhothalacha iad seo; léirítear leibhéal intleachtúil iontu, agus tuigtear don léitheoir go bhfuil an file ag smaoineamh a bealach tríd na dánta. File leathanaigeanta í Ní Mhóráin a ghlacann le spioradáltacht ó thraidisiúin chreidimh éagsúla agus ó réimsí éagsúla den saol – spioradáltacht Chaitliceach, Bhúdach, sa ghrá máthartha, sa ghrá rómánsúil, agus sa nádúr – agus é seo uile mar bhonn leis an gcomhbhá eagnaí neamhmhaothnach atá le sonrú ina cuid filíochta.
Réamhrá le Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh
Ealaín le Saturio Alonso
There is no doubt that the theme of this collection, the theme of affection, is a testimony to the inclination of Bríd Ní Mhóráin's mind. Many types of affection are seen in these poems - religious affection, affection for the land, for nature, the affection with which she states the importance of old people. Generosity and understanding can be felt in the way she handles the wide range of material that she discusses; it's very rare to see criticism in her work.
At the same time, these are not overly emotional poems; they display a level of intellectualism, and the reader can see the poet thinking her way through the poems. Ní Móráin is an openminded poet that accepts spirituality from different religious traditions and from different aspects of life - spirituality in Catholicism, Buddhism, motherly love, romantic love, and in nature - and all of this supports the wise compassion that can be found in her poetry.
Introduction by Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh
Artwork by Saturio Alonso